
Looking for a new legal opportunity?

BSN’s Jobs Board was established to connect members of our diverse network with employers who are making a commitment to recruiting diverse talent.

Explore our current legal opportunities today and find your dream job – a job in which you can make a difference!

Mentoring and application training opportunities with BSN

BSN’s Creating Pathways Programme

If you’re looking to make the jump from mid-level lawyer to senior lawyer in the corporate/commercial space and are looking for some support, please consider joining BSN’s Creating Pathways Programme – an initiative of BSN’s City Group (London).

Creating Pathways through mentoring and sponsorship was conceived in 2014, and it is considered the first initiative of its kind in the profession for BAME lawyers working in private practice and in-house.

Applications to the Programme open in September each year.

BSN Grassroots 

For students looking to receive bespoke legal training we have developed the Grassroots Programme – a series of Careers and Skills Workshops which includes sessions on applications and interviews.  Upon completion of the Programme, the students are offered mentoring and work opportunities.

Applications to the Programme open in Spring for students who meet the eligibility criteria.

BSN Events

From time to time, we offer support and guidance relevant to applications and interviews through our pipeline of events in collaboration with our Corporate Members and partner networks.

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