When placing ads on a diverse Jobs Board, there are many simple but effective techniques you can implement to make your ad more inclusive and attractive to #diversetalent.

> Use effective job titles! Use a job title that connotes the experience that is required/will be considered. This is especially relevant to roles that can sound more senior than they are. Why is this important? Diverse candidates often self-deselect if they think they do not have the right experience. Example: Some individuals perceive the job title of ‘Legal Counsel’ to be relevant to mid-level lawyers+. Many employers will deem newly qualified lawyers as suitable for these roles. Adding in “NQ+” at the end of your job title can help!

> State the experience required! Make it easier for potential candidates to determine whether they are suitable for the role. If you are open to a wide range of experience, then include that, and if you are open to a candidate that will grow into the role, state that as well! Why is this important?
Again, it will prevent suitable candidates from self-deselecting. Example: Listing the type of experience you will consider at the top of an advert (including the wiggle room) will attract the reader’s attention instantly.

> Set out the opportunities for development! If within the role you are advertising, there are opportunities to expand the candidate’s qualifications, to move around or to work abroad, do include that information. Why is this important? It’s attractive to candidates and will help the successful candidate grow in your organisation which may improve retention.

> Flex your flexibility! If you are open to flexible working, working from home or working from any office location include this information! Candidates with needs surrounding their health, caring responsibilities or child care responsibilities may look for flexible working. If this information is provided from the get-go, these candidates will know it is worthwhile them applying! Why is this important? Diverse candidates, particularly from lower socioeconomic backgrounds may have some of these additional needs and so may look for them when applying.